Marching Band Handbook

Mr. William Fowles | Director of Bands |
Mr. Alan Notestine | Assistant Director of Bands |


  • All Rehearsals and performances are MANDATORY.
  • Attendance will be taken at all rehearsals and performances by the drum majors
  • All anticipated absences must be reported to Mr. Fowles with at least one week’s notice via email with “Absence” marked in the subject line.
  • Following an unexpected absence, a parent/guardian must email a note of explanation to excuse a student absence due to illness or family emergencies. 
  • All working students should provide their employers with the summer and fall marching band schedule in order to eliminate schedule conflicts.
  • Unexcused absences from rehearsals may result in loss of third quarter privileges, suspension from performances, loss of points in grade, and/or expulsion from the group.
  • The consequence of unexcused absences is at the sole discretion of the band directors.
Grading Policy
Attendance Grades
  • Students will receive 100 points for perfect attendance to all performances and rehearsals. 
  • Should a student receive an unexcused absence to a performance, they will lose 25% of these 100 points.  Each subsequent absence is an additional 25% until they reach 0.
  • Should a student receive an unexcused absence to a rehearsal or excessive lateness to rehearsal, they will lose 10% of these points until they reach 0.
  • You are unable to regain credit once you lose these points.
  • Students should consider being punctual and ready to rehearse at the specified time.  This does NOT include walking into the building, or getting your instrument out at the call time.
  • Students who are not in their spot at the specified time will be considered late. Repeat offenders will lose 3rd quarter privileges.
Playing and Memorization Tests
  • The goal of any playing test is to provide feedback to help the student improve.
  • Playing tests will be assessed using rubrics that will be presented to the students prior to the assignment.  Students have unlimited attempts, at no penalty, to retake the test until they receive a satisfactory grade.
  • Memorization tests are to ensure the satisfactory performance of the full ensemble.  Students that fail a memorization test will be removed from performance until they pass the assigned section.  Their grade will not be negatively impacted unless they fail to complete the test by the end of the quarter.
Code of Conduct
  • A firm and fair policy of enforcement is necessary to uphold the regulations and standards of the Music Department. The community, school administrators, and the music staff feel strongly that high standards of conduct and citizenship are essential in maintaining a sound program in Music Education.  The welfare of the student is our major consideration and transcends any other consideration.  All band members shall abide by a Code of Conduct, which will earn them the honor and respect that participation in the Co-Curricular Music Program affords. Any conduct that results in dishonor to the musician, the Marching Band or the school will not be tolerated. Acts of unacceptable conduct include but are not limited to theft, vandalism, disrespect, immorality or violations of law. Tarnishing the reputation of those associated with Delaware City Schools and the Music Program will not be tolerated.  Students participating in the Marching Band must conduct themselves as mature individuals.
  • Participation in co-curricular programs is a privilege and not a right. Any band member whose conduct could be construed to reflect discredit upon the band and/or the school, will be subject to disciplinary action as determined by the music staff and/or administration. Issues of misconduct, which are not directly stated within this document, will be dealt with on an individual basis.
Minimum Behavior Expectations
  • Treat all members, chaperones, staff, and anyone we meet with respect
  • Profanity or insubordination will NOT be tolerated at ANY time, especially in uniform
  • No public displays of affection while at or during performances or rehearsals
  • Each member is responsible for having all equipment and other necessary items at all events (instrument in good repair, dot book, music, pencil etc.) Likewise, at the end of any event, each member is responsible for returning equipment to its proper place and leaving the area as clean as it was on arrival
  • BE PUNCTUAL and in your designated area at all times.  In the realm of marching band to be early is to be on time; to be on time is to be late; to be late is to be left behind.
Discipline Procedures
  • Records will be kept concerning all violations of the rules in this handbook.  Punishments include the following:
    • Verbal warnings
    • Extra-duty assignments from the directors
    • Loss of 3rd quarter privileges
    • Removal from performance
    • Expulsion from the ensemble
  • Student’s parents will be contacted after the second violation and each subsequent violation. 
  • In order to establish an organization with pride, unity, and self-discipline, we must enforce the rules set forth by the directors and members of this organization. Every effort will be made to be fair and just with all members. Should any student or parent have a question concerning any disciplinary action, contact the director(s) immediately.
Fall Sport Policy
  • We understand that the fall can be a busy time for many students and families.  One of the conflicts that could arise are between music and sports.  To accommodate those students on the soccer and football teams, we have instituted a Fall Sports Policy where students who are involved in fall sports may opt out of marching band. 
  • If you are participating in a fall sport, please contact Mr. Fowles at and explain the sport conflict:
    • If you are unable to participate in marching band due to a fall sport, your grade will NOT suffer!
    • These students will be given an independent study for the first 9 weeks and will be expected to complete all music checks/assignments on time. Failure to complete these will impact your grade. 
  • Many sports are able to double in the marching band with almost no schedule conflicts at all!  If you are planning on participating in a Fall Sport and participate in the Marching Band, please contact Mr. Fowles at and notify him of your intent. A strict 50/50 practice schedule will be enforced so that each student has an opportunity to succeed in both activities. It is up to the Coach/Director to determine practice schedules.
Modes of Communication
  •  is the primary and official source of all band communication.  Check the “Parents” tab for any and all information that you need!
  • Pacer Bands Facebook Page – This is another great way to stay up to date with the Band! It is also where you can click on the link to purchase the Summer Uniform.
  • Booster Meetings (Cadence Club)
    • Held on the first Tuesday of each month in the band room at 7p
    • Any changes to the schedule will be posted on the website and Facebook page
    • All parents are boosters!  Please attend and participate, we need your support!
  • Weekly Updates
    • Weekly Updates will be a Google doc that will be updated each week.  This will contain all important information for the week’s practices/performances.  They are also available in the “Weekly Updates” tab on
Practice Clothing
  • Wear close-toed athletic shoes at all times!  No boots or crocs
  • Clothing must be suitable for athletic movement! Pay attention to the weather! Wear layers, especially in the fall!
  • Wear cushioned socks to avoid foot injury such as blisters
  • Bring a water jug to every rehearsal!
Show Shirts
  • Each student will be provided with a show shirt early in the season.  Each year a new show shirt is designed to promote the seasons show.  Students are expected to wear their show shirts when traveling.  The shirt helps chaperones identify Hayes band students.  More importantly, it demonstrates school spirit and pride in the band. 
  • Parents and family members will have the opportunity to purchase show shirts as well
Summer Marching Band Uniforms
  • Short sleeve orange polo (purchased from T&L Graphics)
  • Black athletic shorts (also purchased from T&L Graphics)
  • Black short socks
  • Marching shoes (purchased via Rettig Music)
  • Orders will be completed in May for the July 4th parade
Competitive Marching Band Uniforms
  • We will have a uniform fitting and a check out process for the season. More information will be coming in regards to this.
  • Compression shirts are purchased from T&L Graphics. There will be an opportunity to try on samples so the correct size is ordered.
Uniform Inspection
  • Prior to each performance, section leaders will complete a uniform and instrument inspection to ensure that the band will have a cohesive and consistent appearance.  In addition, we hope to foster good personal habits and pride in the band.
  • Any student who fails the uniform inspection will be removed from the performance.
  • The following criteria have been established for achieving a clean and uniform look in our band:
    • No Jewelry is to be worn while in uniform
      • You may cover piercings with a band aid if they are unable to removed. 
      • Any gauges must be clear
    • No nail polish is to be worn in uniform
    • Compression shirt
    • Black knee-length socks
    • Hair must but pulled back and up into the shako
      • For longer hair a bun/French braid works best.
    • No Hair Dye! – This can bleed onto hats, shakos, and uniforms
    • No hair may touch the collar of the uniform
    • Uniform pants must be worn as instructed
    • When not performing but still in uniform, students may only remove shakos and gloves.  If instructed, students may switch into halves.
    • Shoes should be polished prior to performance
    • Horn should be polished prior to performance

Financial Information

Financial Responsibility
  • All participation fees are paid to Delaware City Schools
    • Fees can be paid by cash or check to DCS
  • Additional fees such as the food fee will be collected by Cadence Club.
    • Fees collected by Cadence Club can be deposited into the lockbox outside of Mr. Fowles’s office
  • If you need to schedule a separate payment plan, we are flexible!  Please contact Mr. Fowles ASAP to make arrangements.
Fee Structure
  • Marching Band Fees – Without the aid of the Cadence Club, all student marching band fees would be $500 or more!
  • We are able to offer our program at $175 a person!  Please consider participating in all fundraisers to help keep costs down.
  • Schedule:
    • You are able to pay the total amount at any time, but we ask that you submit the deposit at the first rehearsal to ensure that you retain your spot in the show.  Again, if you need a more spaced-out plan, please contact Mr. Fowles for an individualized payment plan.
    • 6/26/24 – $100 Deposit (reserves spot in show)
    • 7/24/24 – $50
    • 8/7/24 – $25
Personal Items and Additional Costs
  • District Pay to Play Ensemble Fee – $35 – School Fee
    • This is turned in to the main office at registration
  • Instrument Rental Fee (Anyone using a school owned instrument) – $25
    • Paid to DCS and turned in to Mr. Fowles
    • Anyone using school instruments or equipment
      • This includes all percussionists and guard members
  • Summer Uniform Polo – $24 – purchased from T&L Graphics
  • Summer Uniform Shorts – $12 – purchased from T&L Graphics
  • Contest Compression Shirt – $30 – purchased from T&L Graphics
  • Contest Uniform Shoes – $35 – purchased from Rettig Music
  • Meal Fee – $35 – Paid to Cadence Club
  • Contest Uniform Gloves – 1 for $3, 2 for $5 – cash only

Schedule Information

  • Refer to the calendar posted on the website for the most up-to-date and accurate information.  This portion of the handbook gives and overview of typical scheduling concerns.
ACT, PSAT, and SAT Testing
  • Please try to schedule the test dates around the marching band event dates. While an absence from practice may be necessary, absences for these tests will not necessarily be excused. Any student not prepared for, or in attendance at a competition has a significant overall effect on the performance.  Please refer to the band calendar posted online and the official test registration websites when considering testing dates:
Practice/Performance Schedule Changes
  • A lot of time is spent putting a band schedule together and deciding all dates and times as far in advance as possible so students and parents can plan accordingly.  We never try to change the schedule, but sometimes conflicts arise.  A few reasons for the schedule changes are:
    • Additional practices need to be scheduled or practice time extended to ensure a successful performance. 
    • A competition or game has been canceled or rescheduled which is out of the director’s control.
    • New opportunities to showcase the students’ talents become available after the schedule is published.
  • Changes to the schedule will be announced to the students and posted on the website as soon as the change is confirmed.
    • For some events, particularly competitions, the band directors are NOT informed of the performance time until about a week before the performance.  Therefore, the schedule will indicate to keep the day open.  The specific day will be announced to the students and parents as soon as the director has confirmation.  This can be frustrating for overall scheduling for families, but it is out of the director’s control. 
      • Rule of Thumb: if the day is scheduled for a band competition or practice with no time, keep the entire day open until the report times become available.
      • We will typically have a Full Band rehearsal before every competition at the HS. Once we determine our performance time, a practice time will be announced for that day.
Band Camp
  • Band Camp is a time for the students to get to know one another as well as learn their marching fundamentals, music, and drill (the designed show.)  The Band starts to put together the best performance that they can as a single unified team.
  • If a student misses any part of band camp, they can have a difficult time catching up.  Therefore, all students are asked to set aside those 3 weeks of their summer and devote it completely to pre band- camp, and band camp.  Please, do not schedule any vacations, doctor’s appointments, or work events during these three weeks.
  • Band camp is also a time for parents to volunteer and meet other band parents.  Early in the summer, parents can expect to attend a mandatory evening event, at which time parents will learn more about their role as booster members and the various ways in which they can support the band.  Parents provide invaluable services during band camp and the academic year to support the Hayes Band Program.  Among other things, parents may help during band camp by overseeing first aid, supplying water and snacks, moving equipment, watching over the building during free time, being surrogate moms and dads, providing a friendly face for a stressed-out marcher, and being a support to the directors.
General Scheduling Notes
  • A typical weekly rehearsal schedule during the school year will look like this:
    • Monday | Hornline Music Rehearsal | 2:45-5:15 p.m.
      • Guard/Percussion TBD
    • Wednesday | Full Ensemble | 2:45-5:15 p.m.
    • Thursday | Full Ensemble | 2:45-5:15 p.m.
    • Friday | Away FB Games only | 2:45-4:00 p.m.
    • Saturday | Rehearsal before any scheduled contest
  • Throughout the course of our season, we hope to reduce our practice schedule provided that the total band has reached satisfactory levels of performance and the individual members have passed the expectations set by the directors. Rehearsals towards the end of the season may have their hours reduced.

Football Games

  • The Marching Band performs at all home and away games. Each performance is an opportunity to work on perfecting the show and learning to perform to an audience.  Every student is required to attend these games, and any absence needs to be approved with the director PRIOR to the game in question. (see attendance policy for consequences)
  • During the game the band sits together, plays pep tunes, and generally has a lot of fun!  After performing during halftime, students are allowed to leave the stands during third quarter to get refreshments, visit friends, and relax.
    • All students remain in their uniforms during the entire game unless otherwise instructed by the band staff.
  • Parent volunteers are needed at every performance!  Among other things, volunteers help in the band room to get students into uniforms, chaperone during the game, and help move the front ensemble instruments on and off the field

Band Competitions and Performances

  • Parents and families are always invited to all performances.  We try to make it a practice to sit as a group at contest or performance to support our band.  Students love nothing more than a standing ovation from the parents and fans, acknowledging all their hard work.  Not only do the parents support the students by coming, but there are always volunteer opportunities to help get the students into uniforms, help distribute lunch, help load/unload etc.  Each volunteer position is a rewarding way to be part of our band family!
  • Maps or directions to competitions are usually available several days prior to the event.  These will be emailed out and posted on the website for printing at home.