September 18, 2023

Cadence Club Updates

Good Morning, band families!

I hope you and your band and guard members have had a chance to rest and catch your breath after the busy and exciting weekend! Qualifying for state competition at their first event is something everyone involved can be proud of.

There is a home game this Friday, 9/22, and there are a few open slots for pit crew, including hanging up and taking down senior banners. Working on pit crew is a great way to meet other band parents and get to know the students – please consider giving it a try! SignUp can be found HERE.

During halftime on Friday we will draw the $500 winner in our Cadence Club raffle.  Monica would like a crew of 6 to help sell tickets through the first quarter. Please contact her with questions ( or 740-602-1017) and sign up HERE if you are able to help.

Cadence Club will be providing dinner to students before away games beginning next week.  SignUps for those meals have not yet gone out, but be on the lookout for them.

Thank you for all you do to support the band!

Ashley Hejmanowski

Cadence Club President