April 27, 2023

Spring Fundraiser

Hello Band Families!

We have entered the time of year where we are all extremely busy. Taking that into consideration, we have decided to reschedule our door-to-door Tag Day for a date in the fall. Instead of collecting in person this spring, we are going to host a Virtual Week of Giving May 4 through May 13. Below you will find a link to the Pacer Band’s donation page. The link can be copied and shared via email and social media. 


The Virtual Week of Giving will also be one of many fundraising opportunities for those band members attending the March 2024 Disney trip. After following the link, donors are able to note a band member they would like their donation to go to. These donations will be tracked and applied to your Bob Roger Travel account. 

Any donations that are not designated to a specific band member will be used for other expenses including band camp meals, uniform expenses, activities, and scholarships.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me logsdon3@live.com.

Thank you in advance for your participation! 

Monica Logsdon
Cadence Club
VP Fundraising