March 19, 2023

Cadence Club Board – request for volunteers

Band Family,
Please consider volunteering for a Cadence Club Board position.  There are two positions open for the board next year:
–        VP1 :  1st Vice-President: The 1st Vice-president, in the absence of the President, shall perform the duties of the President. The 1st Vice-president will chair the Transportation and Field Crew Committee, oversee the Chaperone Committee, and perform other duties as assigned by majority vote of voting members present in person at the meeting.
–        Secretary :  The Secretary shall keep and preserve accurate records of all regular, special and Executive Board meetings, maintain the Cadence Club Process Library,  and handle the correspondence of the Cadence Club.  The Secretary will chair the Publicity/Communications Committee, maintain the member roster, and perform other duties as assigned by majority vote of voting members present in person at the meeting. The Secretary will also facilitate an annual review of the documentation in the Cadence Club Process Library.

  • Know what’s going on regarding current and future Band activities
  • Have a say in decisions regarding the support of the band
  • Get to know other Band parents/ feel more connected

Thank you,

Bronwyn Ida

Cadence Club Secretary